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April Newsletter ’24

Established 2009 Alex Lochhead Traditional Acupuncture Arthritis Action You can get £60 towards your treatments with me if you are a member of Arthritis Action.  It’s £25 annual membership and you need to let them know you want vouchers with me. They then send...

Transformational Vs Restorative Acupuncture

In this blog entry I explore how experiences of acupuncture treatment can differ.  Have a browse and see what you make of my scribblings: Restorative versus transformational acupuncture By Alex Lochhead, Five Element Acupuncturist I seem to be going through a phase of...

Working with the Five Seasons* – Spring

Many of my patients talk about feeling tired and run down at this time of the year.  When the season starts to turn, some of us have trouble keeping up.  Before human life changed as a result of the electric light we lived life more in tune with the seasons.  When...

A Five Element Acupuncture lifestyle

  Acupuncture treatment is more than just needles. As a traditional medicine acupuncture has taken millennia to evolve. Practitioners commit to a lifetime of learning, reflection and application. Acupuncture treatment is about achieving and maintaining a...