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Fresh New Season

fresh new season In line with Chinese Philosophy I have been very busy during the creative season of Spring.  Spring is seen as the season of ‘Wood’ in China and possesses qualities of renewal, growth, creation, moving forward and vision to the future.  It...

Stories of Doom

Stories of Doom Hello The experience of several of my patients this summer has got me thinking about the stories we share about ourselves. Like buses, there appears to have been a spate of knee replacement operations this spring and summer amongst my flock of...

Life can be a beach. It just takes practice…

 Hello I’ve just got back from ten days in Wales and the weather was amazing!  I’m not here to brag or bore you with another long re-hash-holiday-story.  Just to bring you a couple of ideas that I have to keep reminding myself about. The photo is taken early one...

Acupuncture for dealing with stress

There are times when stress takes us places we really do not wish to go.  It makes us feel unpleasant, make poorer decisions and significantly reduces our quality of life.  Over long periods of time it can cause physical illnesses and lead to depression and anxiety...

Working with the Five Seasons* – Spring

Many of my patients talk about feeling tired and run down at this time of the year.  When the season starts to turn, some of us have trouble keeping up.  Before human life changed as a result of the electric light we lived life more in tune with the seasons.  When...